Spring is in the Air!

Time to get going on seed starting for all the garden goodies! Yes, I am jumping the gun a bit, but have the space and the stuff to repot everything several times (if needed) before they go outside. We got a late start last season & so much never really got into “production mode”. Hoping…


I’ve always loved good fresh bread & have made quite a few different types in the past. Recently, I decided to get started baking bread again & my new favorite is a recipe I got from Amy at “A Farmish Kind of Life”. This is so easy to make & it’s a delightful homestyle bread,…

Back to the Blog!

Wow, I haven’t posted since October of 2014, when I talked about getting ready to break down and package a lamb I’d purchased! That went well, and the lamb was yummy, of course! In the ensuing years, I have continued my journey to personal freedom as best I’ve been able. It’s time to start documenting…

8/23/13 Battery Back-up Power!

Well, today I am sharing my battery back-up power system. I knew we needed something like this, and have had to use it a number of times when we’ve lost power due to the frequent thunderstorms here in Minnesota. I can’t take credit for having developed this, though I did put it together. I was…

New Beginning! 8/20/13

Hello, Welcome to citizen, not subject! I started this blog as a way to share information concerning moving ourselves to greater personal liberty and freedom from the systems of support that in many ways seem to enslave rather than serve us. I’ll write about things I know, am in the process of learning, or may…