About Me

Thanks for visiting.

I am a retired veteran of the US Navy, having spent almost 17 years in service to God and country. I’ve traveled extensively, though being military, not always to the most desirable of destinations. In a lot of ways, I’ve “been there, done that”, but there is always so much more to learn and experience!

I started a new career after retiring from the military, and worked in medical device manufacturing for another 16 years, mainly in small “start-up” companies developing new medical technologies. While it has been a great experience, it taught me that above all else, I wanted to be “in charge”, not of other people, but of my own destiny, at least as much as I can be. So, I quit, and began working as a consultant. Funny thing is, I am still doing work for many of the same “start-up” companies, but at least now I have more control over what I do.

In the interest of gaining greater personal freedom, and independence from the systems of support for myself and my family, I have turned to many sources of information. I have learned many new skills (new for me, at least), and have improved on some I had thought I was pretty good at. I’ll share much of that with you here. I’ll talk about things you might expect, and likely some that you will not, but I am an advocate of getting the basics of something and then learning by doing.

So, let’s start “doing”!
