Back to the Blog!

Wow, I haven’t posted since October of 2014, when I talked about getting ready to break down and package a lamb I’d purchased! That went well, and the lamb was yummy, of course! In the ensuing years, I have continued my journey to personal freedom as best I’ve been able.

It’s time to start documenting what that journey looks like for me again. I’m approaching “retirement age”, though I can’t imagine actually living the kind of life most people think of when they think retirement. What I do imagine is living a life where I am able to provide as much as possible, for myself and my family, from my land. To that end, I am actively researching properties in more temperate areas than Minnesota, where I am currently located.

That move is most likely several years away, as I am still actively working my consulting business. In the meantime, I will continue projects on my current “suburban homestead”. Garden planning is underway and seed starting has begun. There will be additions to the current fruit trees and bushes (cherries, several apple varieties, plums, raspberries currants, gooseberries, strawberries and more), as well as adding more garden beds.

I’m excited to get started on the blog again & hope to be posting regularly from here on!

Join me on the journey!

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