Spring is in the Air!

Time to get going on seed starting for all the garden goodies! Yes, I am jumping the gun a bit, but have the space and the stuff to repot everything several times (if needed) before they go outside. We got a late start last season & so much never really got into “production mode”. Hoping…


I’ve always loved good fresh bread & have made quite a few different types in the past. Recently, I decided to get started baking bread again & my new favorite is a recipe I got from Amy at “A Farmish Kind of Life”. This is so easy to make & it’s a delightful homestyle bread,…

Back to the Blog!

Wow, I haven’t posted since October of 2014, when I talked about getting ready to break down and package a lamb I’d purchased! That went well, and the lamb was yummy, of course! In the ensuing years, I have continued my journey to personal freedom as best I’ve been able. It’s time to start documenting…