10/02/2014 – Learning the art of properly butchering a lamb.

Like many folks, I have hunted for years, and have done just fine when it  comes to dressing and butchering small game. However, when it came to bigger critters, deer, hogs, etc, I am capable enough with field dressing, but never had the confidence to do the actual butchering myself. Well, it’s time for that to change & for me to learn a new skill! I didn’t want to start too big, so when I found that my local Costco has whole lambs (in the 30 – 40 lb range) for sale, I picked up a nice little 34 lb one right away. I LOVE lamb, and figured that though small, this is still pretty representative of game I might harvest from a hunt. So, it is hanging in my garage right now, and I will be starting on the process tomorrow morning. I will endeavor to take enough pictures to show the main stages of the process, and of course, of the yummy finished product!

As I say, I didn’t really know the process, but I do know that I want to keep it as minimalist as possible, using only knives, and a hand bone saw. I did some searching, and found a wonderful YouTube video by a Welsh fellow, who pretty much walks you right through the process. He even discusses options for how to use each cut, which really will expand my culinary horizons.

I’ll be back after I’m done to share lessons learned!


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