
Citizen or Subject?

Citizen:    an inhabitant of a city, town or state; especially : one entitled to the rights and privileges of a freeman

Subject:   one that is placed under authority or control.

Which one do you want to be? I know which one I want to be, and what I believe we should all demand to be. Sadly, it seems that our leaders intend for us to be subjects.

I believe that we have allowed ourselves to become a nation of talkers, and not of doers. Instead of inspiring us to do more, and to strive for better, our corrupt government and lapdog media tell us that we can’t do it on our own, that we need them to “show us the way”. I don’t believe this is true. I believe that if we are turned loose to “do”, we can accomplish anything.

So let’s start “doing”, and learn from each other!

This site is primarily intended to document my journey toward personal freedom and increased independence from the systems that ensnare us all. I welcome comments on any of my posts, and hope that some of what I experience and share may be of use to you in your own journey.

It is also my goal that this be fun. For me, and hopefully for you. I’ll be covering a wide range of subjects, some I will be knowledgeable in, and some I will just be delving into. I won’t claim to be an expert on any of them, unless I truly feel I am (not likely), but I have found that I benefit greatly from watching/hearing about other people’s learning experiences. Hopefully I will be able to do that for you here.
